The Poet Ansari Receives A Disciple Provenance – Ader Auction, Important French Collection – The Poet Ansari Receives A Disciple, Iran,… – Lot 193 – Ader – Lot No. 193

The poet Ansari receives a disciple, Iran, Isfahan, ca. 1630 An ink drawing with gold and light polychrome accents showing the bearded and turbaned poet seated at the foot of a tree, conversing with his disciple who is facing him. The drawing is captioned in red ink in a line of text naming ‘Abd Allah al-Ansari. Mounted in a margin with floral decoration in gold and polychrome. On the back, six lines of text calligraphed in Persian nasta’liq in black ink in reserves on a gold background framed by gilt floral margins on a coloured background. The last line gives the name of Muhammad Ja’far, son of Mokaram Quli Khan. 17.5 x 10.9 cm; page size: 36 x 23 cm Late mounting with later margins Khawadjâ Abdallâh al-Ansârî (1006 -1089) was a great poet and Sufi master from Khorasan whose spiritual activities earned him the nickname Sheykh al-Islam.