Timurid Early Safavid Copper Jug

Parcel Gilt Brass
The incense burner is of spherical form with a hinged lid, crafted in parcel gilt brass. The burner is surmounted by a putto playing a mandolin, and the burner features a pierced scrolling pattern all over the surface, with geometric gilt banding around the hinge. The burner is set on a waisted socle base. The lid bears an inscription in Arabic and is dated ‘AH 1131’ (1718 AD).
The endowment inscription mentions the name Mawlay Idris – an early ruler of Morocco as well as a famous pilgrimage place in Northern Morocco – suggesting that it must have been given to a religious foundation in 1718. The later base was probably added at the moment inscription was carved on the top.
Size: H 27.5cm 17cm Diam.