A Sizeable Elamite Veined Agate Inscribed Lentoid Bead Provenance – Bonhams Auction, London, Knightsbridge – Antiquities 30 Oct 2003 – Lot No. 238

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A Sizeable Elamite Veined Agate Inscribed Lentoid Bead Provenance – Bonhams Auction, London, Knightsbridge – Antiquities 30 Oct 2003 – Lot No. 238

Near Eastern – Part I Kassite, Second half of 14th Century B.C. Dedicated to Enlil, inscribed with two lines of cuneiform reading, ‘For Enlil, his king, Kurigalzu, presented this’, pierced longitudinally, 25/8in. (7cm.) long, a natural fault in the agate just below the inscription , Published: Christie’s London, Fine Antiquities, Wednesday, 13 December 1995, lot 148. Enlil was one of the most important gods, who symbolised the forces of nature and proclaimed good and evil. Like Anu, Enlil held the insignia of royalty which he dispensed to the person of his choice. Earthly kings, such as Kuringalzu mentioned here, were only the representatives of Enlil, who were raised above all other men merely by the god pronouncing their name. This inscribed bead is a dedication by the Babylonian king Kuringalzu to his maker the god Enlil

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