
A super fine and highly rare Silver bowl from Bactria which shows the process of making wine . It was cast and then its rim...

Description Acquired from a Swiss Private Collection Striding with her left foot forward and both forearms extended. A pomegranate in her left hand, a fragmentary...

His bony shoulders to either side barely support his sanghati or triple robe, traces of which can be seen draped in pleats over his crossed legs covering...

A Roman carnelian intaglio Circa 1st Century B.C. Carved with two profile heads, one of bearded Serapis, his face framed by curly hair and drawn neatly...

A garnet gaming piece in the form of a boar Probably Roman The animal couchant, modelled with a medial ridge down its back, flattened ears and...

A Romano-British enamelled bronze disc mount Circa 1st-2nd Century A.D. Composed of a central circular chequerboard pattern, each of the squares edged with red or blue...

Jewellery , Circa 1st Century B.C. – 2nd Century A.D. both gold hoops with double pearl terminal and hollow gold pendant in the form of...

Near Eastern – Part I Kassite, Second half of 14th Century B.C. Dedicated to Enlil, inscribed with two lines of cuneiform reading, ‘For Enlil, his...

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